Anjashi Sarkar
4 min readJun 16, 2024


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

A few years ago, I had often fallen prey to retail therapy, or in the layman’s language- “shopped till I dropped”. The reason being, I found immense satisfaction in buying things that appeared aesthetically pleasing but they couldn’t have had added any real value in my life. They just stood in my room, occupying space, accumulating dust and were completely ignored until a cleaning spree made me throw them away. I have also had some horrible experiences with people I have lent money to because they had refused to pay me back, lying mostly. I realised a substantial part of my ‘money blockage’ or hindrances to the path of abundance remained with my sense of self that I wasn’t worthy of money and wouldn’t be able to handle humungous amounts of wealth, if given a chance. The clients I was working with also played an instrumental role in this because I was scared to ask for more thinking they would refuse to take coaching- this was when I had first started my clientele. I was often told that I charge too less for the service I provided because I was phenomenal with my work but the remuneration was too low.

When your idea of self is shaky, no matter how good you are at your job, you will never be able to make as much. There are a few reasons which may explain this statement:

A. When you think no one supports you because they “maybe jealous” of your achievements, you are sending a message to the cosmos that you have more enemies than lovers, subsequently opening the floodgates to more speculation and not much participation.

B. Your creativity is linked to the appreciation of your own art. When you are too concerned with applause from the “outside” the Universe takes it as a signal that you are powerless in your own accord and you constantly need validation to feel better about yourself. That blocks your path to prosperity because success or fame or glory is never achieved without having full faith in your potential, sometimes without the cheering or claps.

C. To feel better about yourself, the moment some money arrives in your bank account, you buy material goods to ‘decorate’ yourself to prove a point. When you shop a lot, mindlessly, it blocks your path to abundance. You don’t respect money, why should money respect you? This is the exact reason why money spent frivolously never gives you happiness because it wasn’t meant to be spent therein. You’re just trying to fill a void. They weren’t joking when they said needing nothing attracts everything.

D. Your path to abundance also requires space. When your head is too crammed up with low vibrational stimuli, like greed, impatience, lack of faith, etc. you can never manifest wealth or prosperity. To get more with it, clear that headspace.

How people actually make money:

A. Gratitude for whatever they have.

B. Patience with the process.

C. Building allies.

D. Constant self-improvement.

E. Confidence in what they are pitching for.

I have never seen someone ungrateful do better in life. They have some issue or the other and even if people think they have everything, their lives are in shambles behind the curtains.

Technology has made us lose patience in recent times. Since everything is “Instant”, virtues like patience are rare.

The word of mouth is crucial to your business or work. Your communication skills fix 90 percent of your troubles and the way you advertise yourself also comprises building a network that will multiply the effects of whatever you are selling. People at the top are collaborating, not competing.

Imagine buying a product that shows no signs of improvement. You will switch to a better one in the market anyway. Self-improvement does not mean you change your course of action entirely. People like change and variety often. Work on your customisation.

A confident person will reach his goals faster. Whether they know the Law or not, they are able to achieve the impossible because somehow they have convinced themselves that they are meant to reach greatness. Your product or your work that lacks convinction will never make it to the top simply because you yourself don’t think it is worthwhile.

Discounts are great. But when you put a price tag that is much lower than your value, the Universe takes it as a sign that your value is nothing more than what is being offered to you rather than you taking control of the situation.

If you can walk away from a deal, you are the smartest person ever because you have just declared it to the Cosmic Order that you trust it enough to wait for your turn.

For more, sessions are available.




Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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