Anjashi Sarkar
6 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

The maximum turnout in my manifestation clientele is regarding a specific person apart from the mindset course. 4 out of 5 clients have issues with their significant other (s), irrespective of marital status. I empathise with their plight because a few years I used to go through spine wrecking moments about the same. I insist on taking up the self-concept course first because everything depends on your idea of self whether you are manifesting a person, job, success, anything at all. Your life can change if your self-concept is top notch and unshakable.

These are a few queries put up when clients approach me for the coaching:

  1. He doesn’t text. What do I do?
  2. He leaves me on read. I want him to be mad in love and obsessed, etc. etc.
  3. He follows ABCDEF on Instagram when he knows I hate her.
  4. He has blocked me again.
  5. He told me he cannot marry me.
  6. He doesn’t take me out or show me off to people.
  7. He is always nice to other people but me. What am I doing wrong?
  8. He should propose me now we’ve been together for ABC years but he doesn’t seem interested.
  9. He says some hurtful things and becomes rude out of nowhere.
  10. I want him to profess love for me and comment on my posts, like them, engage with them, tag me in stories, etc. etc.

I have been there. And when I say that it means I have been through each situation and turned everything around including my specific person proposing marriage, ex-specific person doing the same, some other guys who I used to fancy sending me gifts and paying for me, only that I am not ready to take on that responsibility yet. I am working on myself to be a better partner and I feel once I am at least at a place where I am content with my progress, I can go ahead with that decision. I don’t want to waste my time racking my brain over something that I have no control over because I didn’t make amends towards it. Marriage takes work and it cannot be a successful one unless one is willing to accept the challenges that may come with it. If one’s core is not ready for it, no matter how good the partner is, the relationship is doomed already. Some people want to get married out of societal pressure, some out of loneliness, some out of competition, some out of greed and some because they are ready to share their lives with another human being, provide, protect, nurture.

Many people would agree with me that manifesting a specific person often comes with ego. This ego stems from the fact that someone rejected them and gone ahead with some other person, constantly questioning their self-worth and trying to figure out what is it that is missing in them. This happens mostly because when you try so hard to make someone CHOOSE you, it means you are unable to see something great in yourself and you only look at the good parts of the other person. Them choosing you would make you feel better about yourself and until they do that, you relentlessly embark on a journey of impressing them by myriad methods including chasing them to the end of this earth.

Let’s just look at some of the challenges modern day relationships face.

There’s too much exposure these days. On social media, everything is open and things that should happen in private are happening in public now. Social media is not your house. What happens there is for the world to feast its eyes on. Some people show their partners off because A. Either they are too excited by the idea of finding the right person that they like sharing their joys with the world , or B. They are making someone jealous, probably an ex who hurt them bad and their current partner is a lot hotter, good to look at, etc. There is another reason why this happens: INSECURITY. Some people are too insecure about their relationship so they constantly insist on being posted in stories and make a ruckus out of it when something like this doesn’t happen. If you know what is between the both of you, what the world thinks should not bother you. Some people are lying to themselves. They want to be claimed by virtue of being present in someone’s social media instead of actually being “claimed”. That one post with their person, if not guaranteed the ring means nothing. Sit down. You’re so focused on being posted with this person that you’re forgetting the real goal. Given a choice between being posted on social media and being married to someone, people would rush to choose the second option, which is the exact reason why I tell clients to be sure about what they truly want and go in the direction of their desire and not get distracted along the way. Let’s say for example, Instagram and all social media were to evaporate, what good is that one post? Temporary gratification has been and will always be the death of awareness and I can sit and debate about this all day, win it hands- down.

Why is marriage supposed to be the ultimate goal when manifesting a specific person?

A. The more specific you are about what you want in life, your specific person appears sooner than expected. The Universe has a miraculous way of bringing two people together who deserve each other.

B. If you only want the text, good luck with it. You’re only telling the Universe that you deserve just this one text. So if she/he texts something horrible, it still is a manifestation because you wanted “a text”.

C. Look for qualities in a person that align with your values. Some people choose the wrong people. Something like a policeman manifesting a thief for a partner. It only works in movies with the glamour and pomp. Nature always wins. What you are is what you get, simple.

D. Keep greed away. Please. Greed makes people do horrible things to themselves and to other people thereby leading to more regrets and guilt trips because emotions can hamper your vibration. This is not a competition, not an indicator of how good of a person you are when you aim for something and think obtaining it will make you happy and sated. Trust and let go.

E. If you think getting someone to commit is a hard task, look again. People in marriages are also struggling to keep it going. Challenges are always going to be there in any phase of life. As you level up, the tests are also harder. Your third grade questions were nothing to you when you reached the tenth grade. In life, as you grow up, your challenges also change their intensities. Whether married or single, do not stop your journey of self-growth. When growth stops, everything else stops. People grow in love and it is not just a feeling that occurs at the very beginning of a relationship, later fading away.

F. If you are looking for marriage, stick to it. Don’t try to be someone you are not. Authenticity is the highest vibration and when you are not authentic, your experiences will make you feel miserable because you are not being loyal to yourself. If you are not a one-night stand person don’t do it. Doing something thinking that it wouldn’t matter, is only confusing the Universe. Being attracted to someone is fine as long as you are not doing anything to betray your true self.

G. All the scriptures of the world have said that there is someone for everyone. Just relax. Be the best version of yourself and you’ll meet the person when you are ready to. We don’t know if we are ready or not because we rarely sit and reflect on ourselves. The Universe is watching and taking record of every emotion and sentiment we are putting out there.

Want to work with me? Send a mail: anjashi.work@gmail.com

I have helped clients reach their desired destinations and improved their ways of life. See my Instagram here:

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Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi

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