Anjashi Sarkar
3 min readApr 29, 2024
Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash

I offer coaching: anjashi.work@gmail.com

Instagram: https://instagram.com/anjashisarkar

I receive texts and mails from clients and ex-clients about how their lives appear mundane, seemingly unfamiliar and they crave ‘fun’ quite desperately. I have been there and it took me more than a couple of years, a bunch of videos on YouTube, repeated sessions of meditation, et cetera to get to that point of understanding the real reason why life suddenly came to a standstill when the healing started or picked its pace up.

Here are a few things you must educate yourself with:

A. Peace and Pleasure are two different things and cannot exist in the same level. They are polar opposites and the more you try to bridge the gap, the more miserable you get.

B. Everything has a way of working out even if you don’t see it at the moment. Your healing begins when you have taken a decision to step away from what doesn’t serve you.

C. You are the most toxic to yourself when in doubt. To stop being so, measure what brings you actual satisfaction instead of going into a trial and error mode and getting confused. Remember, the more options you explore without having a list of what truly ticks off on your list, you’ll end up being messed in your head.

Let us now go over the reasons why your healing era is boring in your eyes:

A. When you are recovering from a toxic relationship, you don’t really know what peace looks like. The trauma bond has made a place for itself in your subconscious and the only way you think life works is when you are in a state of chaos. (Reach out to me if you require help regarding this.)

B. Healing looks uninteresting and quite because silence is rare in this world that tries to sell excitement as ‘normal’. The adrenaline will always make you crash, there is no second opinion on it. Peace looks boring. That is that.

C. It is completely fine to isolate yourself when you have decided to heal. You can never grow in the environment that created problems in the first place. Stop looking for bandages where the murderers have put their weapons. Your environment shapes your thoughts and to expect evolution in the same place is only stupidity. Move.

D. Confusion doesn’t mean you won’t get anywhere. The reason why you are confused during the early stages of healing is because you don’t know for sure where you are headed and if you’re going to even GET to a place where everything is fine. This is how it happens to almost everyone and zeal is lost in things that used to be exciting once upon a time.

E. Your life is solely your business. Treat it like you treat hard-earned money. It is only fair that your need to recover is a favour you’re going to do to yourself. And in that journey, if you require to cut off for a while, go for it. Those who will understand, will stay. Those who won’t, they weren’t meant to elevate with you in your new timeline.

F. People talk. They have mouths and lips keep moving, stop trying to find meanings in their views. What they say about your journey won’t make a difference to what your goal is. You are not going crazy when you feel you need to protect your energy and space. You are now aware and to raise to a level of consciousness where nothing makes you attached anymore requires thick skin. And no one said it comes easy.

G. Healing is not linear. You will heal throughout your life. Always keep in mind that only when you accept yourself as a learner, you can expect growth. We have been bored in classrooms, haven’t we? But we attended our lessons anyway to graduate to the next stage of life. Your healing is exactly like a lesson in a classroom, just that it takes place in random intervals. Even in that chaos, there is an order. That is how you know everything figures itself out without much effort.



Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi