WHY SOME PEOPLE CAN NEVER BEND THEIR REALITIES: Laws that they do not tell you about

Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by Alazar Kassahun on Unsplash

Four years ago, I was struggling to make it somewhere in my writing career, with a horrible self-esteem, friendless and not much healthy on the bank account. I made quite the stir with my decently popular Podcast on Spotify MANIFESTATIONS MADE EASY and this blog which reached 22K people the first month. I had four failed blogs prior to this one and it used to break my heart because none of my writing made any visible impact per se. I am now an author of 15 books (running), selected by Outlook India and Lifestyle International Magazine for being instrumental in my field of work, especially this one where I teach people how to use their minds to get the best out of their circumstances no matter how hard they seem. As I had begun my journey in the spiritual realm, I had read almost 200–300 books to find answers to the questions that baffled me when clients posed the same. My only job was to provide a fair solution atleast to make things work and I always made an attempt to break down theories good enough for applicability. So when I say, some people fail to bend their realities for certain reasons, I know why that happens and this post will highlight specific points to address this issue.

Know that this Universe is rigged in your favour. You don’t realise it because out of the 100 times you fall in trouble, 85–90 times you have probably looked at yourself as a victim and not much as a warrior. Now, the whole idea of conscious creation is not to berate anyone for being a particular individual with some odd character traits but to pinpoint what shadow parts of oneself should be completely done away with to begin a fresh chapter. You can’t paint on a canvas which already has colours/hues from before. You need a plain, white surface to paint a new picture.

Out of all the Laws that you must have heard or read about, I wish to draw your attention to these specific Laws that have helped me immensely in my own journey.

A. Law of Vibration

Imagine you have 100 bucks and I ask you to spend it wisely. You can buy several stuffs with the money or buy one stuff that you had always wanted. The Law of Vibration is nothing but the frequency you can tap into once you have whatever you had desired. Now imagine the same 100 bucks being spent recklessly and you don’t have any idea what you truly want to get for yourself. Do you think obtaining multiple things can give you that satisfaction if you cannot zero down on the feeling of possessing those things? What normally happens is, when you have energy to spend, you also have two choices- spending it on the positive spectrum or wasting it on the negative spectrum. All that the Law of Vibration is saying is, redirect all your energy into the realm that will make you the happiest. Now, imagine, holding the same 100 bucks, you are calm and collected and this time you can figure out what you truly want. Your sentiments are not driven by the dopamine spike and getting to the destination is much easier now because your energy is not torn between what you want and what you don’t.

B. Law of Becoming

The world is you pushed out. Or rather, in Freudian theory, everyone you meet already exists in your subconscious. Let’s say I want to be the most famous person on this planet. I could be famous for the wrong reasons too. The Law of Becoming is about making your identity in your head first. Your brain cannot differentiate between what’s real and what’s imaginary. Therefore, the more you identify yourself with what you don’t like, you become the same. The more you emphasise on what you want to see yourself become at some point in time, you automatically eliminate the possibility of becoming someone else because your subconscious has already registered the fact that you are the same person you want to be. And as you know, we always manifest from the subconscious. In my four-year long career of teaching the Law, I have seen people go from nothing to something including treating themselves of diseases, overcoming depression, making millions, getting a role in a film, so on and so forth. When I say, bending reality is easy, it really is. You only need to put your mind to work.

C. Law of Focus

I have forever maintained my stand on being focused in life. Focus takes you places. Even if you are someone who doesn’t know the Law, your mere attention is the key to cracking the code to abundance, success and prosperity. This is known- energy is everything, focus means attention and that implies pouring energy into something. Take note that we always have two choices: love and fear. When we love something we focus more on it, similarly when we are fearful of something, we put equal energy into it. But what do we do if our fears are not subsiding? Look at things with love and focus on the outcome instead of what circumstances show you. Your anxiety is caused by thinking what is to happen in the future and your happiness rests on the idea that something good is on the way. This is why 99 percent of our problems are not even real because we suffer more in our imagination by thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong instead of loving our lives for being able to welcome newer experiences.

Reality bending does not mean you put out bad energy and then expect good to come to you. Nature or the Cosmic Order always will favour anything that is done with love. Mostly people operate from an ego which makes them resort to evil practices and harbouring malice and shroud it with a casual statement that “Love made them do it.” Let’s just be a little mindful here. IF LOVE MADE THEM DO IT, WHY WAS THEIR LOVE NOT ENOUGH TO HAVE ENOUGH TRUST IN THE PROCESS? Think.

I offer coaching. Get in touch: anjashi.work@gmail.com



Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi