Anjashi Sarkar
4 min readJul 5, 2024
Photo by Zanyar Ibrahim on Unsplash

As much as the feeling of victory spikes my dopamine when someone says they are doing better in their mind, I am also exhilarated by the idea that a lot of my own problems would have vanished if I had proper control over my emotions. I’m going to lay down a step-by-step level of emotions of what happens when you see something unwanted in the 3D (physical reality).

  1. The first feeling is a trigger. It is like a shock and you are filled with disbelief that something odd can happen too even if you have been “doing well” in your affirmations, etc.
  2. Next what you feel is disappointment. Your natural instinct is to feel hurt and shame/regret because you think you are a fool to have believed/trusted/done ABC with XYZ. Your vibration rushes to the lowest rung of emotions- Shame.
  3. Anger or resentment comes next because your ego doesn’t allow awareness to win. If you carefully sift through your emotional scale, you’ll be able to figure out what your dominant emotions are and how you can switch to a default one in case you find yourself slipping. Anger is a common one.
  4. Spiralling. This is one of the most frightening stages because you enter a rabbit hole and to break a pattern seems impossible because your energy is solely on “the problem” not much on “what I can do about it”.
  5. Breakdown. This is the stage where you have mentally given up and your sentiments get the better off of you. You cry, scream, shout, throw a tantrum, break things, react out of the emotions you’re feeling as mentioned above. Not all breakdowns are loud. Some are numbness-like too where your brain doesn’t stop yapping so you are quiet on the outside.

I have been teaching Reaction Versus Responses as a mandatory theme in my Manifestation and Mindset Programmes. Though there is an inadvertent urge of most people to “seek” answers and “find what is going on” I was able to guide them through it well enough. It is the very same reason I have maximum success stories in “impossible love situations” because all that people need to do is to have a firm chokehold over their minds and defeat their confirmation biases. The latest one being an inter-faith marriage where the guy has agreed to all the conditions laid down by the girl’s family. This wouldn’t have been possible if the girl was in her head about why “something is not working” instead of “what all can go right”.

In this week of the workshop, I’ve inferred that some people never really want to be fearless because blaming is easy. It is impeccably convenient to point fingers at everyone for one’s own misery hence they never take accountability of how their own “Mental” actions are responsible for everything that has gone wrong. Now that sort of acceptance is hard because the ego will always pull out reasons why choosing to stay in the same pattern is alright when in fact it is not. The ego doesn’t want to change its course of action because pain looks familiar and to escape a situation by saying, “Everyone is bad to me” seems much easier than “I need to change my way of thinking because clearly this way of life is not healthy.”

Nervous system regulation or emotional regulation works for everything in manifestation. All that you manifest is the result of feelings. Since the state manifests, it is a combination of your emotions and awareness that lead to the next set of events. This is the same reason why everyone keeps insisting in the circle “Stay in the present”. Your present is what manifests as future so if your negative emotions are winning right now, don’t expect positive changes tomorrow. Until you’ve mastered the art of navigating through your emotions even when everything is falling apart, your job is to still say, “Everything is falling apart only to come together again.”

Your brain doesn’t know what is real and what is imaginary therefore you have to instruct it to THINK a certain way. All things that happen to shock you are results of callous thinking and mindlessness.


Reach out: anjashi.work@gmail.com




Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi

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