WHAT A HIGH VIBRATION ‘STATE OF MIND’ MAKES YOU EXPERIENCE: Accelerate your manifestation results

Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readJan 15, 2023
Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

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Self Love / Mindset Coaching : 21 days of One-to-One Sessions

Manifestation/ LOA : 30 days of One-to-One Sessions

Email Coaching: On Request

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This article was due for quite some time, roughly two weeks or so, and I realised it is high time I reveal what went in before this one amazing week where my best friends and I had a ball! I came to the conclusion that a good vibration can fix your life in magical ways. My best friends had male attention from left, right and centre and I had people complimenting me randomly. In addition to this, there were several people almost falling at my feet to do me favours as I went around in the area like a Queen. My cousin on the other hand had a lot more fun adventures out of his banal medical schedule everyday. It was hilarious at first because we seemed to have broken the algorithm of our ‘matrix’ because things that were happening to everyone of us were insanely similar! I also had the privilege of free coffee, cakes and other bizarre experiences that I had only imagined without any seriousness.

I have been a Manifestation Coach since 2020 and I have seen that people wish to manifest their Specific Persons but they desire the latter to chase them equally. As much as it sounds thrilling, it does not come easy. I say that because changing your ‘inner self’ is always harder. To make this simpler, I should emphasize on the fact that to ‘stop’ thinking in a certain way requires self- control, patience, determination and focus, qualities that are tough to imbibe but not entirely impossible. As per the laws of conscious creation, perception creates reality, hence, the perception of self leads to the physical world reflecting the same. If you change your concept of self, the SP changes too. You do not want to be validated and eventually the chasing stops. Remember, you cannot attract what you chase, you only attract what you are.

Coming back to our awesome time- the receptionist at the gym had a long conversation about mental health with me and as I explained to her about my work, she revealed that she check my Instagram posts late at night, wrapped under a blanket as her family sleeps because she believes my posts are truly motivating. It made me jump at little inside because I remember how I used to be laughed at in the same gym a couple of years ago. The fact that she wanted to ditch her pills to start working on me made me happier because one shouldn’t have to struggle every day with 10–12 pills to just be ‘happy’. That same week I got shortlisted for a reputed award. A dermatologist sitting at the cafe complimented me on my skin saying I do not need any AHA, BHA or facial treatments as I have perfect skin. I had the worst acne ever (in 2022) because of a chronic cough that required me to consume antibiotics thereby leading to severe breakouts. This meeting happened for free, ofcourse, as I had made the intention of visiting a skin specialist to fix my dark circles. This doctor told me to quit thinking about them because I spend maximum time on the computer. She suggested that I could go for a laser treatment later in life but it is not a necessity at this moment because I pretty much look younger than my age anyway!

I got gifts from random people. Cakes, flowers, sweatshirts on Christmas made me gloat and I couldn’t stop smiling for days. The most interesting thing, however, was this one incident where a guy waited outside the cafe I work at till I left the place. For three hours. Three- freaking- hours! He left when I exited the place. It is interesting because there was a time I had done the same for him. He watched me work, sip coffee and speak to people, everything. I was not manifesting anything like this in particular but I did set an intention that I want to be surprised everyday.

My best friend, generally, has had a track record of cortisol levels shooting up every day because her mood gets chopped when someone annoys her. Her patience runs out when people are unreasonable and relatively low on the intelligence quotient. My cousin got on a video call with both of us (best friend and I) and we spoke of everything that made our ribs tickle. The after effects were such that there were extended conversations on texts and DMs about the same topics. The moods of the three of us got lighter and lighter with each passing day as my best friend noticed her bloating die down. She stopped her stress- eating and became regular with her exercises. Her clothes started fitting better and she started losing inches, something that she had been manifesting for long. My cousin on the other hand had a marvellous adventure in the countryside and a successful blood donation camp. He clicked some decent pictures of himself and the girls went ga-ga over him for a good two to four days.

My school bestie had another thrilling experience at her gym. She had a crush on a guy and wanted to know details about him. She manifested the same and at the same time there were a couple of other guys vying for her attention. She was able to gather information about them just like she had desired and evaded wasting her time on people who were not quite right for her mental health (No offense here, but if unhealed people interact with someone who is only trying to get better mentally and spiritually, the harm done is incomparable and life gets exhausting.)

In all these cases, the one thing that made all of us have the kind of experiences we rarely are witness to, is the ability to switch moods. We talked on calls, messages and remained connected through all of the events that took place, hence the collective mindset was a happy one all in all. We helped each other laugh through trivial errors instead of making them into some serious issues. Here’s the thing about manifesting- the more you can control your urge to react, your subsequent experiences get a lot better. Everything begins from your ability to take away the power from people and situations by reducing their intensity inside your head.

Have interesting stories about how your days pass when your mood is pink? Let me know at : anjashi.work@gmail.com



Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi

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