THE MARVEL MINDSET PROJECT: 21 day- Programme to help your wellness journey
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I was very young when I heard someone tell me that your mind has to be stronger than your emotions. It was hard to implement it because when you are young and do not know to deal with peer pressure it is a tougher task to stay on track and make your goals see the light of the day. It has been 12 years for me, bathing in cold water 12 months of the year. As much as ice cold showers help you increase your resistance, it seems scary too. During winters, it is painful and takes a lot of guts to let yourself be touched by the water coming directly through the chilled pipelines. But hey! I never missed a day and can proudly claim that I am a daredevil during the cold months. I keep experimenting in other aspects of life too. For example, I have never had sugar in my coffee all my life. I have it black and it has been years doing the same. When I cook, I deliberately put less salt or spices; you can never see me complaining about food. I have in a lot of ways trained my brain to adapt to circumstances that are uncomfortable to a large extent but at the same time helped a number of people wade through the most critical time periods of their lives. Check my to see the testimonials. Call me ostentatious if you may, but I have ten books to my credit and a Podcast channel that comes up as a top search in the platform too. I am a Manifestation and Law of Attraction Coach and an author; my newest release is a book on the same:
I have had requests in the past about mindset building workshops but have not been able to work around them. This year it is my goal to help a handful of people to recognise their true potential and make sure their goals are met when it comes to career, success and financial goals. I have named this undertaking as the ‘The Marvel Mindset Project’ which will make sure you can navigate through life and upgrade it to the level you have envisioned. The key areas that we are going to work on are:
Building Self- Worth- Working towards a better self- esteem and confidence
Personality Development- becoming the best version of yourself and making a space of your own
Public Speaking Skills- eloquence and articulation
Performing Under Pressure- focus, determination and consistency
Developing a skill set- Identify your strengths and channelise emotions into anything productive; using your passion to enable self- image
Financial Independence: constructing a model to enable you in generating wealth from various sources
For a period of 21 days, you and I get our brains together and make you able and capable enough to make your mind your greatest tool.
For a trial you can send an email to, listing your problem areas and we might be able to chalk a plan for you at the soonest!