Anjashi Sarkar
4 min readFeb 3, 2024


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There are a few ideas that circulate in manifestation circles about 3D criticality. The main reason for this is the fact that people cannot disassociate themselves from something that has happened in front of them at a particular time period. The scenario is replayed several times because the ego is trying to make sense of what happened and why. The more one wants answers, the more serious it gets and before you know, there is borderline obsession with a miniscule matter that would not matter 3 months later.

I am going to give you an example of a Specific Person Manifestation case that is perhaps one of my best cases as a coach and it was beautifully executed by this woman who was manifesting a beautiful relationship with a guy she had been seeing for a while. The guy changed, not only in his behavior but his own ideologies about life. She had seen a difficult time period in relationships owing to a bad self- concept and perpetual fear of being discarded. She told me during one of our sessions, “I am aware that I am not a perfect person. He is not, too. But my lack of self- awareness is making me into someone who has issues with almost everything she comes across. I cannot move past my psychological barriers because I am too used to connecting dots everywhere. I need to stop looking at life like it is an enemy. I have attracted problems in my life based on ideas I have about every aspect of life. He cannot be entirely a bad person. He may have good values in him. But my hurt is not allowing him to come to me in a better version. If he were perfect, I would be praising him but I sit with this box of complaints all the time that he has been doing things that I do not approve. If I can think of changing myself, he too can have a realization someday. Until then, it makes me an idiot to expect any change in my reality because I cannot bring myself to think better about my life, this guy or any other aspect of life.” The guy proposed marriage to her with these exact words, “I want to spend my life with you because you are a reminder that I can do better even if I am sometimes arrogant enough to believe that I am perfect.”

My entire idea about this situation is that our perceptions about anything at all is a conditioned response. Like we act on impulse but we were taught to act like that from early on. To change our perceptions also means we have to take note of every idea we have about various components of life in general. Our perceptions are based on emotions not on consciousness. A truly conscious person does not act on haste. He understands what he is witnessing is a result of a greater plan that he is not aware of at the moment, he does not sit and fume at temporary inconveniences. And that is the beauty of spirituality. You learn to look beyond what is just visible. In other words, your Inner Eye is open. You are not like the ordinary minds.

Consider yourself “awake” when you do not waste time on petty things that are no greater than the speck of dust beneath your foot. If your perception of yourself is poor, you will be a victim of circumstances. If you hold yourself in high regard, you will know to weed out the unwanted. And you will know where to draw the line pretty easily. For instance, if I am a non- smoker, I will know where to draw the line with someone who gives all his reasons to justify the act. I will not spend my time trying to convince someone why it is poisonous. Because I know I am worth more than just banging y head against the wall. All those stories you hear about atrocities committed on the ‘less powerful’ is only one- sided. I believe everyone is powerful because fear is instilled with rigorous programming. The ‘powerful’ feed on fear and thus they are powerful. If one stops acknowledging the ‘power’, they can look at everything as their equals and things are easier to obtain rather than being controlled by circumstances. This is exactly what manifestation teaches you- do not put anything on a pedestal. When you are affected by anything, you are putting it on a pedestal, be it a person or a thing you wish to possess. You can manifest only on a same level playing ground. Anything you declare ‘important’ makes you lose.

Your reality is made up of your decisions and attitude towards life. The more you procrastinate the greater chances you will have at inviting unnecessary chaos. The make better decisions, your self- awareness should be on point.

How do you change your perception towards life? I am offering a 10-day course on mindset and consciousness. We work on your limiting beliefs and enhance your receptivity. Reach me on: with details of your issues.



Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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