Anjashi Sarkar
4 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo by Travis Essinger on Unsplash

The whole world is divided into haves and have nots, such is the statement posed by those who look at it with an eye of judgement. Only those who understand the game of money know that everything that we know as money is nothing but spiritual energy. Take a look at the wealthiest lot we know of. Everyone has a touch with spirituality or something to do with the spiritual realm. What I am attempting to highlight is, being spiritual doesn’t mean you talk meditation and all the stuff that looks dogmatic on certain levels, being spiritually aligned means you have an eye for things that are perceived differently by the world but your perspective can make you get more from it. Basically, utilising your perception to make the most out of situations even if it looks impossible.

a. Ignore people who are broke and give advice

Our parents and family members have the most limiting beliefs about money. Know that they have not lived your life and the times have changed. At any moment, when you feel they are making you feel bad about money, stop entertaining their comments because biological relations should not be a deterrent in your personal progress. 9 out of 10 times, fears and limiting beliefs of elders hinder potentials of children.

b. Money loves time

When you are too comfortable doing something that does not allow you to push your limits, you are blocking money in ways you are unaware of. This is the exact reason why those who work under an authority instead of being their own boss miss out on being exemplary even if they had business acumen and one day when life is almost over, they regret not taking that risk. Use your time to learn skills and maximise your potential wherever you can.

c. Money goes where attention flows

If you tend to look at lack, which means always complaining how expensive things have become, how inflation is affecting everyone, people losing jobs, etc. you are functioning with fear and you cannot expect to have a bank balance satisfying enough, for you.

d. Frugality drives innovation

I am not saying you need to be a miser. But, if there is a way how you can work your way around money it means you need to first work on your assumptions about it. Just because something looks accessible in one zone, does not mean you need to get it from the same place. You can do your research and have patience until you can obtain it from the place that would require you to spend the least. Moreover, your innovative self is also driven by the ‘absence’ of something. For example, you know you need to take the bus to work everyday. You wait for a long time waiting for it because you do not have enough funds to buy your own car or get a cab that arrives at your doorstep. What do you do then? You rack your brains trying to find a way to live a more comfortable life.

e. Always have an ‘oh- shit’ fund

I have always advocated this idea. Your ‘oh- shit’ fund is the fund that makes more money. Money left idle in the bank won’t multiply. This fund is your passive income fund.

f. Do not make impulsive purchases

When you are happy, excited, angry, sad, disappointed, do not grab your wallet or window shop on your phone. Sit down, meditate, journal, do anything but not look for materialistic ways to ease the discomfort. Emotional regulation will make you a millionaire even before you can say, “What’s the price?”

g. Learn the game of money in the real world

You can make money only when you stop looking at it as a way to solve your OWN problems. The people who own wealth are doing their very best to better the world. If you want to be good with money, be the best at negotiations, dealing with people and have an excellent hold over your skillsets. Teams are build on these cornerstones. Please do not listen to the jealous conjectures about rich people exploiting others to make money. Because even if they are, one can always be motivated enough to stop being a slave to the organisations and build their own legacies. Business is about ideas. People are just lazy. They won’t admit it.

Anyone can declare what they want to do, like politicians speak to get elected. If your purpose is just to earn money, you will hit a certain mark and then you are done. A purpose makes you wake up everyday and work towards something that makes you feel proud about yourself. Those who have no purpose allow themselves to be distracted by petty stuffs and then keep complaining how their lives are miserable. When your purpose is solidified, you do not have time to engage in mediocrity.

i. The more you analyse the more you make

Surface level knowledge will make money roll out like a tissue paper roll. Why do you think some people win the lottery still lose the money eventually and they cannot hold it? It is because they are oblivious to something called Financial Knowledge which is also includes a spiritual way to earn money.

j. Intentions are everything

Selfishness, hoarding money, not giving someone their due remuneration will make you lose out on money. The more discounts you ask for, the Cosmos takes it as a message that your value is ‘limited’ to what you are bargaining about. This is why sales, pay later services are the biggest hindrances to making money. Look how you behave when you see something on sale- your cart has items that you don’t even need probably.

Want to learn more? I am available for coaching. I made my first million through assets and manifested an entire business by virtue of sheer intentions. Reach out:



Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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