I am close to mentoring a hundred clients now and I couldn’t be more elated than this! There are a few who choose to work with me repeatedly for various reasons, a major one being, the ‘push’ one needs to get to where they have to reach but it looks tough to begin the first step. I have received a message from my Instagram followers that a post on this blog about some very interesting and unusual manifestation successes would be embraced with enthusiasm and I should oblige them. But first, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for showering love on my book, MANIFESTING MADE EASY: A Retrospective Analysis on Spiritualism ; you have no idea how happy and blessed I consider myself every single day ever since it has released as my mailbox is always overflowing with congratulatory messages and ideas about spiritual understanding or practices. Moreover, I have always had a dream of autographing so thank you everyone, for making it come true!
The year started with a bang because I had landed myself with a number of collaborations from brands and a few of them happened to be with people I have known since long. I had manifested a number of gadgets that would help me get better with the writing I do. Apart from this I had managed to increase my credit limit and got free apparels from the brands I was working with. Specifically, a Tom & Jerry embossed sweatshirt! The only idea I had in my head was: I am loved and taken care of. That is it. It was a simple affirmation that required no complication and was easier to ‘feel’. If you can achieve the feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment, manifesting is a piece of cake. In addition to this, you must think of yourself as worthy of every happiness in this world, no matter what.
A friend from school was able to get a loan sanctioned from the bank, another friend cracked a spot at her dream job and a junior was able to open a communication channel with her specific person. These three people and I are from the same school and I have come to the conclusion that a number of our limiting beliefs about ourselves had their roots in our teenage years when we were not too aware of our capabilities. Entirely grateful to the teachers who did guide us in the right path but there were a few who should have been less toxic as human beings because you cannot discipline a child with violence. They will grow up to believe abuse is the only way to get things done. Which brings me to the point about using control in manifestation. If you try to control an outcome, you may not see results. All that you need to do is surrender because without faith, my friend, you may not go far.
An ex- client shared her happiness with me as she cleared an interview for a government job. I remember how scared she had been when appearing for the exam. Moreover, she was also able to manifest desired behavior from her father- in- law. She did have a few issues with her husband but they were resolved quicker than anticipated. Another client got married, and it was an inter- faith marriage, she being a Hindu and her husband, Christian. The same goes for one of my dearest Delhi- based friends, a Muslim and her beau, is a Hindu and they may let us know about the ‘date’ soon! She manifested a scooty too in the colour she had visualised along with extending the franchise of her restaurant. My best friend moved out of her hometown and manifested the apartment she had long wanted to shift to. Her boyfriend confessed that he could not stay away from her and she was able to make him change his mind about moving in together. She also wanted him to get coaching and was able to manifest the same.
This post shall be incomplete if I do not mention a peculiar soulmate manifestation of a client who was able to make a strong connection with a guy she had newly met. She informed me that she had never felt this way before and he was everything she had wanted in a partner. She had dated an actor in the past and there was trauma involved with another guy she was in love with. Another client manifested an ex- flame’s entry into her new office in the position she had wanted and her boss named his daughter just like she had imagined. She also manifested her ex- lover to ask her for marriage but she is not interested at the moment as there are other crucial aspects of her life to pay attention to. My spiritual best mate manifested her coaching clientele and now has renewed her German visa. Some international and Indian clients (including myself) manifested Harry Potter on Netflix. I manifested Actor Karan Singh Grover’s response to my comment on his fatherhood. A collaboration reel of mine crossed the ten thousand mark in 24 hours after a brief discussion about the same with an acquaintance. A collective effort with a handful of clients at manifesting actor Dhanush reconciling with his wife was successful. A close friend is now working with Dharma Productions. Who would leave a chance like that?
What are all these people doing in actuality? Why does it happen so quick for some and for the rest it takes forever?
- Build faith first. Leave everything aside and wait till your faith comes in stronger.
- Do not lose focus of what you really desire. Obstacles are always going to be there. The trick is to overcome them with determination.
- Work on your self- concept before anything else. A confident person is always going to win. (21-day Self- Concept / Self- Love Sessions may be enquired about by mail:
- People are not people, they are thoughts pushed out. Our perceptions make them however they come up as in your reality. Watch your thoughts and never mess up relationships. (Specific Person Manifestation Course is OPEN. Reach out at:
- You reality is what you imagine. Your anxiety is lying to you. Fix your imagination and your life gets fixed.
- Be grateful. There is always a miracle after that.
- Do not lose patience. Build it everyday. A wise person has considered it a superpower.
A Masterclass on a Millionaire Mindset and one Manifestation Masterclass are happening soon. To register for either, mail me at
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