Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readDec 19, 2024


Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash

I conducted a survey on my WhatsApp channel (ANJASHI SARKAR) and most of the votes were gone to issues concerning mindset, happiness and relationships. I believe this is because people tend to look forward to a new chapter in their lives after stepping into a new year and resolutions for the new year are also swinging to-and-fro in the subconscious. I am going to share a few tips with you that may accelerate your visualisation process along with keeping your spirits high.

A. Mindset

Your mind does not know the difference between real and imagined. To ensure your mindset is directed towards your goals, you need to ask yourself these questions:

Am I doing everything to align with my highest self?

Am I thinking like the highest version of myself?

Am I conducting myself like the future version of myself?

What do I need to eliminate to align myself with my dream life?

What am I willing to compromise on and what promises am I keeping?

In order to manifest better for yourself, you also have to want to think better. Thinking from a past version of yourself is not only delaying the dream life you are crafting, but it also making you your own enemy. Remember, there are no heaven points in becoming a victim and constantly blaming others for your misfortunes. Cultivate a winner’s mindset by making sure you are accomplishing small tasks everyday. Even if you are lagging behind, you will still catch up if you are consistent. Never underestimate the power of discipline.

To become a master manifestor, you only need to say NO to things that you choose out of habit and not awareness. For example, you are choosing to think ill of yourself out of habit, it is not awareness. When you are aware, you will know to check yourself during those moments in the day when you are losing mindfulness. I would highly recommend a 21- day schedule you can make for yourself. If you are unable to, you may contact me: I shall provide assistance on the same.

A healthy mindset also depends on cutting out people who are not in tune with the life you are willing to create. If they are family members, what do you do? You can ignore. It is not wrong. The universe functions in the manner in which you are aligning your thoughts. Resisting people who speak opposite to what you are aiming for, will only make them more powerful. Instead, stay calm and block the noise. Nowhere in the manifesting sphere paying attention to circumstances is a wise move. Manifesting consciously or subconsciously, you are supposed to have laser sharp focus on what you WANT.

B. Happiness

I have an entire podcast episode on my Spotify channel MANIFESTATIONS MADE EASY, titled, “Manifest Happiness Effortlessly”. But for those of you who would want to come back to this post for the pointers, you may highlight these tips:

Happiness is created from the inside, not externally, not with other people’s validation.

If you truly want to be a happy person, start being grateful for the most trivial things you see around you.

Look for places that can inspire and motivate you. We do not know so many of us are hiding poets and philosophers because we are not ‘looking’ at the things we should and burdening ourselves with overthinking about stuffs that have not even happened!

Stop making your anxieties have more anxieties. How do you do that? By committing to the promises you have made to yourself. You will not only increase your self- respect but the clutter in your head about how many things are left undone shall clear away in no time!

Spend time in Nature. Nature is a healer in its own way. Your addiction to technology is limiting your vision because anything that is enclosed within four corners is always limited.

Do more things that you did as a child. Therapy Tip 101.

Eat organic foods. Cut down on unnecessary junk and foods that are far from nutritious value.

Cut down on screen time. Read a book instead.

Get sunlight for atleast 10 minutes a day.

Do some physical activity everyday. If you cannot afford a gym membership, move around the house and do household chores. There is always a way to stay fit.

Allot a day every week for charitable acts. If you want happiness for yourself, you also have to be willing to spread it.

Cheap dopamine is a drug. This includes activities that give you short term pleasure and not enough value. Soul replenishing is a must. Happiness is only created when you can steer clear from things that have momentary satisfaction. Gossip, number one. The rest are pretty evident as you might sit down and think.

C. Relationships

I have a podcast episode on this, “Manifest Better Relationships”. But I would like to add a few more points to the list I had discussed in the episode:

You cannot aspire to have healthy relationships if you fail to come up with a negotiable and a non- negotiable list. Make these separate lists so that you don’t waste your time trying to figure out ‘why who is what’.

EIYPO is real but so is your alignment. It is foolish to want for better relationships if the relationship with yourself is a toxic one. Check yourself in testing circumstances. How do you react? Do you forgive yourself easily? Do you look at yourself with love irrespective of what you have done in the past?

Don’t waste time in tarot reading and searching for zodiac confirmations. They are never going to predict the future correctly. Future is only created by what you think NOW.

The biggest tests in relationships come in when there is a circumstantial crisis. If you are a ‘once bitten twice shy’ kind of a person, stay unapologetic about it. Those are your boundaries. Don’t let anyone convince you that it is wrong.

Stop comparing yourself in relationships with those you see on social media. It is futile. It will stress you and make you age faster. Are you ready to take on the financial stress of buying creams and going for surgeries to reverse ageing? If not, close all social media apps right now!

Relationships demand patience and trust. And if they do not go hand in hand, there is no point in maintaining any. Make sure you exercise both in proportion.

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Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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