Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readApr 28, 2020


Photo by Raquel Pedrotti on Unsplash

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The lockdown here (March 2020) hasn’t seen much of a development ever since it was announced. People continue to break rules and do what they wish to despite knowing how it’s going to affect them and someone else who might get affected. As for me, someone who stays far off from home, it’s not been entirely difficult but twisted at times because things aren’t the same like they used to be. I might have to pay extra to the grocery store since they claim there is a shortage so the prices have shot up in a fortnight. Some of my major manifestation success stories during this lockdown period has a lot to do with limiting beliefs of those who are around me rather than my own. It’s going to sound superfluous but when you know someone has planted a seed in your mind, you have a choice of either helping it grow into a tree or nip it in the bud.

My SP had asked for a few grocery items that weren’t available in his area. I must mention that we stay at a distance of about 1.5 kilometres and his area is just not like the one I stay in. Since students are relatively numbered more in the area where I live, there is a chance of finding some stores open at some hours of the day. If you happen to pass by, you’ll get the items you need and the police is cooperative in this matter. However, it’s not the same at his place. The Zomato guy has to walk half a mile to the destination if it’s a deliverable in the area where my SP lives. The bikes aren’t allowed and there’s an eerie silence in the alleys leading to the colony.

I had to buy 1 kg of honey, utilities for Ramadan rituals, Oreo biscuits for protein shake, butter paper, oats and get a print out of a book he wanted for a reference purpose. Cyber cafes are closed but a night before I told myself, “Tomorrow I am going to get a print out of the material he had asked and one of the cafes will be open.” Though the shops were all closed but a grocery store person, seated adjacent to the cafe told me that if I give a call to the owner he can come over and open the place. I took his number and like I had imagined, the print out was taken without hassle.

All my life I have been severely scared because of superstitions. Had I been the earlier version of myself, I would have never shared my success stories because I had a feeling that someone might cast an evil eye. While practising Manifestation Techniques I realised it is also important to understand the limiting beliefs of oneself and others. Like for instance, I went to buy honey and the salesperson kept on telling me to put the jar inside my bag since it could accidentally fall. I obeyed him but what he said kept repeating itself. Even when I had been buying Oreo biscuits and butter paper, I had been thinking of what was said to me about the honey jar. I manifested everything I had thought of but that one thought of a jar being accidentally dropped refused to leave my mind.

I handed over the items to my SP and what I was told about the jar suddenly was blurted out, without any supervision. He told me, “You needn’t worry I take many items home in this way.” I remember clearly that I was constantly asking him to be careful with the jar because it’s made of glass and quite heavy. He wasn’t paying attention because he had to leave for his prayers. When he turned to leave in his scooty, the jar slipped from the place where it was kept and I had to scream in order to stop him from riding over the broken glass. I didn’t panic, or shout or reprimand him for the same. A middle aged man was walking down the street with an empty jar usually taken for carrying milk. He came over to us asking if we were alright since the glass was broken and my hand was bleeding after I made an attempt to pick the broken jar. The man handed over his jar saying he lived nearby and could wait for him until he came back after keeping the items at home. I realised one thing out of all this commotion, “you’ll always find help if you are willing to believe that the Universe has your back.”

Coming to SUPERSTITIOUS beliefs, it’s not a bad thing to share your stories of success or joy with people. What does matter is when someone says they don’t believe in Manifestation, you cannot go on to declaring a war with them to have your way. You just MANIFEST them believing in what you do. Had I not repeated the words of the salesperson who warned me about the jar, I would have never come across this incident where a stranger was willing to offer help and had the exact item that we needed to salvage the remaining amount of honey. In addition to this I also realised that our limiting beliefs come in as a result of our unsupervised thoughts. Like I heard the salesperson tell me about the jar, I kept on thinking about what he said so I was checking my bag repeatedly to see if the jar was safely kept and not leaking in any manner. The more you think about grasping, the faster you realise that it’s not worth it.



Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi

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