Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readMay 21, 2024
Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash

Functional Fatigue is a term used casually to denote lack of cognizance in day-to-day activities or simply put, underwhelming performances in daily chores. I have been working with clients for over quite sometime and the files keep piling up with most cases related to this term. Which is the exact reason why they try to push their limits by extensive brain exercises to challenge themselves. The more one overcomes mental hurdles, the easier it gets.

Causes of Functional Fatigue:

  1. Workload: The rate at which humans try to accomplish tasks with a deadline hovering over their heads is the first reason why the feeling of ‘burn out’ sets in.
  2. Trauma: Most people come out of abusive relationships and toxic patterns and suddenly find no meaning in their lives because they are too used to the pain caused by the troubled waters and normal life seems unfamiliar. Hence, brain fog is very likely.
  3. Lack of sleep: If your body gets less sleep, you will lose out on your cognitive skills sooner or later because REM sleep is necessary. With the normal adult averaging a total of 3–5 cycles per night, 20–25% of sleep should account for REM for every 7–8 hours spent in bed. This can be variable depending on age, lifestyle, and other factors, especially as REM intervals decline as we get older [quoted from sleepcyclecentres]
  4. Disassociation with self: As much as one needs to be a part of society, they also need to be a part of themselves and nourish their soul. If you lack self-awareness and somehow fail to detect the potentially lopsided nature of what comprises your life, your exhaustion begins the moment you even start to examine what is wrong and what can be fixed.
  5. Bad company: I have said this several times and I will always repeat this- Gossip is a low vibration stimuli. The more you gossip about things, people, places, situations, etc. that have no part to play in your life, you are discarding what truly rejuvenates your soul and opting for temporary gratification only to be disappointed later and embarrassed about the time you wasted in meaningless conversations.

What role does Functional Fatigue play in creating blockages in your Manifestation Journey?

To be completely honest with you, everyone faces this circumstance once a while in their spiritual journey. You might ask, isn’t spirituality supposed to set you free from shackles of reality and make you transcend into other states of consciousness? It is upto a large extent but the true meaning of spirituality is only understood when you have accepted the dark parts of yourself too. The fact that you can be a 10 one day and the next day you can be a 2, it has to be accepted by your spirit irrespective. This is not a mumbo-jumbo exercise where you become a new person overnight. Evolution is the nature of this Universe and everything works exactly that way. So, all the people who say there are quantum jumps that happen then what should evolution even mean? Well, to come to the mindset of making a quantum leap happen took time, has it not? You didn’t learn that in a day. Everything is within. The quantum leaps are happening because of you and not anything else, hence, you are the controller of the game here.

When Functional Fatigue hits you, you stop thinking in the direction you are supposed to think. This necessarily means you see a lag in your momentum, spacing out, losing track of things and the like. Now, to manifest, one needs to be aware and mindful to get to a place of specificity. I could be reading a hundred books on the same knowledge but my application would be pathetic because I simply might not know what truly would make me happy. Sloppy thinking and not much attention to authenticity are rampant therein. You often see people running after their desires, thinking acquiring them would finally make them happy. It is the saddest thing ever because these things come in bonuses. Your desires exist because of you so how are you even turning this idea around into making your desires the boss of you and their presence or absence gets to decide your mood?

How do you overcome a Functional Fatigue?

  1. Stop thinking. Your brain tries too hard to find meanings and connections in every random thing. Just stop it. Cook or play a video game, solve puzzles, go out in nature, plan a hike, do things that require less thinking.
  2. Accomplish small, accomplish more. I call this the ASAM method which allows you to take small challenges everyday and get more work done instead of landing yourself with one Herculean task.
  3. Guided meditation is helpful. Hoopponopono works too. The idea is to accept yourself in whatever state you are in and move forward from there to progress. Stop chasing perfection; it is an illusion.
  4. Don’t leave tasks incomplete. Be immersed and committed to anything you have decided for the day or stipulated hour. Do it like your life depends on it. Don’t fall for this trap that tells you, “It’s okay to do this and do that.” No, your brain cannot understand the difference between what is real and what is imagination, therefore, however you train it, it is going to work the same way. However, I am not asking you to over exert yourself. Keep tasks mild slash easy for you to build discipline.
  5. Manifestation doesn’t work if you are blank. Creativity and imagination are corner stones of the process. These are only developed when you allow yourself to consume anything that sparks your interest in myriad ways. There is a reason why successful people do not adhere to the matrix. If you give into what they want you to watch, free internet and sensational content, chances are you will never be able to break through the patterns that are stopping you from reaching your highest potential.

For more guidance, I am available for coaching.




Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: