Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readJan 23, 2024
Photo by Hanna Postova on Unsplash

I offer coaching: anjashi.work@gmail.com

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This write- up has some offbeat perceptions about how manifesting is as a process and if this has worked for me, it must work for you too because it is one of the simplest, pain-free and uncomplicated ways to approach anything you desire and claim it without much effort. Now for this, I must urge you to keep your analytical mind aside and think from a perspective of knowing something new so that it becomes easier for you to apply. Hold your beliefs about yourself as untrue at the moment because it is not unlikely that you might just start to think differently (the epiphanies are marvelous) and become a different person than what you are now. Just for a few minutes, just think of this (or rather, assume) this is an easy task and go with what I am putting out here.

As the title suggests, the thing that you are attracted is actually feminine because by the Law of Nature, feminine energy does not chase, it stands still. Secondly, what you desire, in your understanding is now ‘not moving’ which makes you want to ‘go for it’. The guy/ girl you want to marry is not what you are actually manifesting. You’re rather manifesting the feeling or the love that you would want from them. The face of love for you is THIS person. If you are someone who has dated or been with different kinds of personality- type, it was just a reflection of your self- concept at that phase of your life. But, there definitely is a certain criteria you look for when selecting a partner. It stands the same throughout. You have all these scenes inside your head about how a life with them would make you feel complete, etc. That sentiment is all about caring, nurturing, taking care of someone and the family you are going to have with them, these are feminine traits (conventionally, unless you are a modern day feminist with a sensitive take towards the most natural ways of the world). So to attract what you want as per the explanation above, you need to evoke the feminine inside of you, no matter, if you are a guy or a girl, it works both ways. You don’t believe me, take a look at all the successful businessmen and top 10 percent of enormously influential ‘men’ out there. They have at least one or a few of the ‘conventional’ feminine traits; could be sensitivity, kindness, patience, ability to empathize and the like. The rest are caught up in the ‘conventional’ roles of men hence the aggression or the chase just drives the destination farther away. In my experience, I have never seen a man (a guy client in my case) succeed exceedingly in conscious creation until he was willing to one of the feminine traits discussed above. Manifesting requires an insane level of patience and when you fail to cultivate it, your masculine side is evoked by default. It is just how it is. So you can take this as an advice or let this pass, but patience will remain as a key to manifesting better even if you do not know the Law.

The money that you are trying to attract, the job, the car, the dream house, all of these are feminine. How can you attract something that is feminine with a masculine demeanor? And if you are going to bring up fantasies of those that are cold- hearted and completely aversive to a someone’s emotional needs but you are attracted to those qualities, good luck to you getting rid of the limiting beliefs that come with them plus they ‘not taking any initiative’ is a definite evidence of what some call the ‘femme fatale’.

The feminine is always attractive. That is how the Universe works, let’s just be frank here. Women are good to look at, we have assets, hair, smooth skin and a soft touch. Whether you are 18 or 80, you will never lose your value. Some of the most sought after women are also those who have passed the ‘desirable’ stage of their lives. They continue to remain relevant. Even if you are nearing 40, if you exercise and eat right, take care of your appearance, you will have a 25 year old simping after you and place the world at your feet. I have seen this myself, the freshly out of school (no jokes here, I get this all the time) make advances like a pest infestation. When you look at yourself like you would look at someone you admire, you are functioning from your ‘feminine’. That would also mean that if you have trouble receiving compliments or do not trust the one giving you a compliment, you are in your ‘masculine’ stance. It is not a mere statement that people at the top are ‘collaborating’ and not ‘competing’ because ‘competing’ is also a male trait. Hypermasculinity in most cases, and some, hyper-independence for the women. The feminine does not compete, it knows its worth and is willing to allow the best of experiences to present themselves. The next time you find yourself comparing yourself to anyone, just stop it there. Close your eyes and go to bed. You are not going to delve in that further, I want you to consider this seriously.

The question next is, how would a true masculine attract a feminine if he is also going to act from his ‘feminine’ side? Please understand that a true masculine is also a sensitive and caring one (conventionally known as female traits) who knows his job is to protect and e\provide for the woman he loves and the offspring she is going to produce with him. Those who have no such characteristics are responsible for giving birth to equally emotionally unavailable children, girls and boys, both. The children go out into the world and damage everyone because they have not known the language of love and the vicious cycle continues in their lives until they have a realisation that they need to get their act together. Till then, it is just too late and all major things are lost. Hence, the most emotionally intelligent people have their way easier in life because they attract things that resonate with their corresponding energies. The love, the money, the success, the opportunities, everything is a piece of cake.

What do you do then? You imbibe qualities that put you in a receiving mode rather than a competing one because this is not an Ice Age. There is sunshine for everyone and nothing that you deserve will walk past you. Guaranteed.

I leave this upto you. You need help with this? I can curate a programme for you to be more in tune with your feminine to become the best version of yourself and create history.



Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: https://www.paypal.me/anjashi