Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readJun 10, 2024
Photo by Sanni Sahil on Unsplash

Before I begin explaining what an ego death means, I must highlight the crux of manifestation once you have done your inner work and dealt with your shadow self. Your shadow self comprises parts of you that you think or regard as hindrances to your truest self or the best version of yourself. When you begin your manifestation journey, you start building newer assumptions therefore the older you gets subdued eventually, subsequently allowing you to experience the new stuff that has never happened before and what is mainly known as a ‘timeline shift’ or ‘shifting realities’. When you understand your shadow parts, you are able to forgive yourself for acting out of ‘lack of awareness’ and that causes an ‘ego death’ which we are now going to throw light upon.

Let us first understand the meaning of a Higher Self or the True Self:

A. Your Higher Self already knows what is best for you and it functions on awareness rather than impulse.

B. It knows that in due course of time, what looks ‘problematic’ will solve by itself and even if it doesn’t, the Almighty or the Universe is going to take care of it. (For sessions on faith- building and self-concept, you can opt for sessions:

C. Your True Self/ Higher Self is content, grateful and is driven by surrendering to the process.

D. The True Self is authentic. It doesn’t do discounts in anything and says no to everything that doesn’t align with the desired reality.

On the other hand, your Ego Self/ Shadow Self is exactly the opposite. Here’s how you identify:

A. You have intense issues with trusting the process because your attachment to the past is above your love for the life that is to come.

B. Nothing makes you grateful even if it came to you saying you deserved every bit of it.

C. You flip out if circumstances seem difficult and project it onto other people thereby making you feel even more miserable afterwards and the cycle repeats itself for more circumstances.

D. You can’t sustain the idea of having achieved something by virtue of your goodness, kindness or compassion and constantly berate yourself by thinking people may take advantage of you and their ‘niceness’ is an act.

E. You have self- image issues and start comparing your life with others on a day-to-day basis and the default program in your head always points towards the ‘fact’ that everyone has everything they have ever wanted and you are not enjoying your desires yet.

Why ego-death is a necessary part of your manifestation journey?

Note: The spiritual ego is not about arrogance. It is ATTACHMENT to patterns and reactions you refuse to cut ties with.

Enlightenment is like dying. The old version of you starts to show up because pain is familiar and happiness looks like a far-fetched dream. When your old self is dying, your ego self will try to hold it back because something good is always ‘too good to be true’ inside your head. This normally happens if you are accustomed to being a victim in your head rather than applauding your journey and patting yourself on the back. Your idea of a successful manifestation cannot be parameterised. There is nothing like a big or small manifestation because the Universe does not differentiate between a feather and a car. The language of the Universe is vibration and frequency. Nothingness has a frequency too and so does your ego self. Your ego death happens multiple times until you throw your hands up in the air and shout out in frustration that you are tired of running in the same circles. A thousand ego deaths, to say the least.

How to identify an ego-death while manifesting?

Ever noticed how humbled you become when you expect something to turn out horrible and it changes sides and everything happens to suit your whims and fancies? Or even when you have been manifesting a relationship with someone and they suddenly do something that you have never expected leading you to think if you even deserve them because somehow they exceeded your expectations? The overwhelming melancholy when you realise that being a certain way is not aiding your life whatsoever and there is a severe need to change the outlook? The random conclusions you made once upon a time and see something unfold based on those thoughts realising how powerful your thoughts are, so you should have rather thought in your favour and not assumed horribly about yourself or situations surrounding you? EVERYTHING THAT TRIGGERS A RESPONSE INSIDE YOU AND PUSHES YOU TO CHANGE A COURSE OF ACTION MENTAL OR PHYSICAL IS ROOTED IN AN EGO DEATH.

What to do when you realise your Ego Self is dominant?

A. Relax. This is not the end of the world. Measure your options, see what you can do to fix your mindset. (Mindset and Consistency Course is available:

B. Practice Mindfulness. Thorough. Evoke your highest potential by newer set of assumptions and eliminating sloppy thinking.

C. Be Selective to the last cell of your body. Not everything needs your attention and not everyone needs to know why you are doing what you are doing. A major part of your ego self is also dominant because you can’t refuse people or situations (from your old self) and your ego wants to explain everything to everyone, which makes no sense at all because manifestation is about being aware of welcoming or rejecting ‘energy’.

D. Journal Journal Journal. Be extremely self-preserving. Be aware of what you truly want and what you do not wish to entertain. When you are only thinking, the thoughts are not aligned. When you write your ‘plan of action’ (Contact for Appropriate Scripting Technique) you can check for yourself if you are making sense or just randomly putting things together.

E. Discipline, and I cannot stress this enough. Nothing makes someone a better manifestor than being absolutely disciplined in the mind. Your lapses of judgement and procrastination are based on your inability to figure out your negotiables and non-negotiables. Chalk out a life for yourself in your head and stick to it. Meditation and breathwork exercises are helpful.

For more assistance, I am available for coaching.




Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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