Anjashi Sarkar
4 min readJan 8, 2024
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash
  1. What causes (possible) delays in SP manifestation?

Unsatisfactory self concept Self Concept begins from believing what you want to believe in. Example, if you believe something is hard it is because you have thought of all the reasons why it is hard. When you are manifesting your SP, the moment your attention goes to what he is doing or not doing, that is where you need to check yourself. Your core has to change to see change outside. Which means sit and identify what part of you still believes that SP cannot change. Do some introspection and change the way you are thinking of him. That is a choice you make, everyday.

2. Not embodying the traits of the version of you that already has what it wants

This happens when you are distracted by 3D. If you want a change in the 3D stop being controlled by it. Choose to be in the state of your desire by affirming, journalling, meditating, whatever technique suits you.

3. Believing is hard for you because your neural pathways are hardwired into thinking a certain way

The reason why having faith is a problem for many because you are accustomed to a certain way of thinking. That’s why repetition helps. Repeat the scene you want to see with details in your head and journal it as frequently as you can. Your subconscious starts to believe even the most illogical things as true when you feed it constantly with ‘information’ you want to see as true. Only then the unwanted information present in your head is replaced by the one that you want to see materialise in your reality.

4. Changing your SP comes from a place of ego

We are humans. We cannot always be perfect. Some days you will feel love some days it is not the same. If you are making it about your ego (getting worked up about time or the delay or some thing that occurred opposite to what you want), you will see obstacles. Your past self has to go so that the new version of you can see the better version of your SP without resistance. Resistance is caused by thinking about the future and paying attention to 3D leading you to seek validation from it.

5. Not fully doing away with the concept of time

Time does not exist. How do we know that? Don’t complicate it. Either stand with the idea with Law Of Assumption is what you will stand by or follow the law of 3D that makes time constraint a reason for not having something yet. How the timeline shifts depends only on your frequency. Signs or no signs, your self concept should not be tied to time.

6. Not entirely accepting the concept of manifestation

You cannot have one foot in the Law and the other in 3D business. If you think blocking out 3D is a problem for you, work on your focus. If that is alright, then you’ll see results as soon as possible because it would mean there is no resistance about anything at all. Manifestation is not some magic, it is simply assuming and having faith that you’ll get what you want. If you don’t believe in it, you won’t see results. Because your belief in the process is not a hundred percent.

7. Why does manifesting a SP seem so hard?

You have to allow the SP to change in your head first. He doesn’t change because you don’t change. You don’t change the way you think of him. You don’t see him in a better version or the desired version because of a past belief you hold onto (ego self). Living the end is the best way to go about if nothing seems to work in the 3D for a period of time. The more dedicated you are the faster the result. Dedication means consistency and persistence despite 3D.

8. You are doing it perfectly, just not in your favour

We manifest 24/7. When something is not happening like we want it to, it means we have successfully manifested the delay or the absence of it. You cannot manifest with confusion. You cannot manifest with your head too. You manifest with what you feel. As per the desire, You feel low, you’ll see more of it. You feel happy, you’ll find more reasons to be so. Gratitude is therefore such an important exercise that is to be done even for things that haven’t arrived yet because it shifts the energy from fear to love, lack to abundance.

9. You haven’t mastered the art of detachment

Manifesting within a timeline is very much possible when you don’t have an attachment to your desire. Attachment only happens when it make it into a winning losing game. It is not so. Detachment doesn’t mean not thinking about it. It means you don’t need to be paranoid about when it comes or when it has to come. That’s the same reason why things we least expect come to us faster. 10. Not clearing your mind enough Your mind cannot manifest. Your subconscious does. A crammed up subconscious will make you obsessive. Clear it with mirror work, journalling, meditation, breath work. All for yourself. Make an attempt everyday to not act as your past self. If you find yourself going back to an old pattern, sit and write down what you can do to make yourself stop it. Stick to that story as much as possible.

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Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing: