BEND YOUR REALITY: Manifest a Specific Person and more

Anjashi Sarkar
6 min readDec 7, 2020
Photo by Milad Shams on Unsplash

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I get asked by people, whenever they come across my Podcast MANIFESTATIONS MADE EASY (Spotify/ Anchor), if reality shifting is indeed a thing. I tell everyone that it is the easiest when you look at it like a project and not a problem/ issue. The ones who can bend their reality have an edge to them as compared to the ones who keep blaming others for their misfortune. But what I am going to tell you next is going to blow your mind. These are specific case studies that I have gone through repeatedly. I love how things unfurl when one decides that there is nothing that is impossible to achieve. Also, I have come to believe that intending for over all good works wonders.


  • Once my Specific Person and I had a fight about something that was minor to me but of significant importance to him. We kept arguing about the same for a month. I was not sure about the cause of his anger or discontent but it did bother me because I was doing everything to make him happy and he was contributing to the argument by bringing in random people’s stories, etc. I stopped giving him attention for two days. When I spoke to him next, I assumed that he would speak to me politely and when I apologise he would apologise too. Like I had visualised, he said the exact words and we were back to normal without even questioning what went wrong, etc. We still laugh about that silly fight because it held no foundation whatsoever. It was like two kids fighting over the chance to bat in a cricket match.

Tip: Rely on a really good memory. Use it to raise your vibration. Be in the feeling of everything working in your favour. Be happy and stop putting energy into what you do not want to see or experience. Look for signs that tell you that you guys are meant to be together. I got my sign when he mistakingly called me by a name during one of our arguments, that he generally uses when he feels extra affectionate.

  • One client of mine has a male friend who is now engaged to a girl who he saw on social media first. He fell in love with her the moment he saw her picture on Instagram. He told my client, “I am going to marry this girl one day.” He had just gotten over a breakup and a couple of months later the girl who he had set an intention for marriage on Instagram was engaged to him.

Tip: Stay true to your purpose. Don’t ask how. Don’t live in doubt. Don’t question anything. Have faith that it is on the way. This guy didn’t know anything about Manifestation. But he lived with faith.

  • In one of my foremost specific person cases, this girl who was on call with me every single day crying about her breakup with her boyfriend, gave me an extremely happy news this fall. She told me that her boyfriend had asked her for marriage. From not being able to convince him for reconciliation to making him ask her for marriage was a huge shift.

Tip: Focus on yourself first. Look closely at how you regard yourself as. If there is self pity, you will end up witnessing more evidence about it. You will find yourself in similar situations where you will pity yourself for ruining everything that is going well. This girl thought of herself as the catch and stopped putting her boyfriend on the pedestal. She stopped looking for the commitment. The moment she reduced its importance, that is when it came to her effortlessly.

Case Study 1:

(Past manifestation came true)

I used to be friends with a guy who had been a significant factor in my ‘awakening’ up to a large extent. I had once visualised that he would come to me with a business deal. One day he sent me a text saying he has an offer he would like me to consider. I did have a soft corner for him at one point owing to the friendly behavior he displayed; I had messed everything up because of my subconscious fears about how he was not an invested in the equation we shared. The scene that currently showed up was exactly like I had imagined. I was sitting at the cafe and he came to talk about the offer. We did not talk everyday but his proposal came as a reflection of the trust he had in me as business partner. I don’t think one is willing to join hands with someone who they cannot count on. So from being absolutely off the list, I made it to the list of people he would consider investing his funds in.

Case Study 2:

One client was engaged to a guy she did not love. She was manifesting her Specific Person when she was compelled to get engaged to a guy her parents had approved of. With time she realised that she was not going to be happy with him, it was around the end of November that her parents called off the wedding which was scheduled for January. Her mother was skeptical about the cancellation but she communicated her issue frankly. I have never seen her that confident but I realised that her self- concept had become strong enough that it was a cakewalk for her, to manifest the reality she wanted to experience and what she truly desired. Her SP situation was not something she was bothered about; instead she chose to focus on her dreams and goals in life, professional and personal. She had prayed and asked for signs consistently. It was a matter of a week wherein everything fixed itself magically, oh wait! She manifested it! She created it!

Tip: Focus on your concept of self. Understand that you are the creator of your reality. How you view yourself as holds the key to corresponding events to take place. For more details on this, book a session for self- love coaching here:

Case 3:

One of my clients was a Miss India aspirant. She is five feet four inches and the criteria for the entry into the pageant was five feet five inches. A couple of weeks before the entry forms were out, she checked out the official page of the competition and to her surprise, the organisers had changed the criteria to five feet three inches. What did work for her was the fact that she was confident enough to accept that everything is going to work in her favour. There were moments of self- doubt but she was able to focus on her 5D through meditation and visualisation of a happier versions of hers. It was not a tough task for her to remain in the feeling of accomplishment.

Tip: Swear by mirror work. It creates conviction and faith in you that all things are possible. The reason why people are not too courageous with execution of their thoughts and lag behind the ones who take control of their lives is related to how they see themselves as. There is a sense of victimhood whenever they think of their respective lives and focus more on what has gone wrong than what has worked in their favour at other times.

I will be discussing more of reality shifting in the book that I am working on currently.



Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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