Anjashi Sarkar
5 min readOct 28, 2022
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Sufi loved Zorawar for around half a decade. He, like most men, was completely a runner because he believed ‘commitment’ cannot happen with women who are incapable of evoking jealousy in other men when she walks beside her man. Sufi was always on her toes regarding him, tracking every move of his, trying to locate him what he did at what hours of the day. It was not like she was jobless but the tired eyes suggested that all of this was done night after night, even at certain points during the day. She confessed to him one day that she had been in love with him for a substantial period of time, to which his answer was a lousy ‘okay’. He remained in touch with her for some time and then cut her off completely. As dramatic as it may sound, she lost track of everything she was involved in, spent hours and hours trying to reach him but in vain. Her obsession led her to consult various people in the psychology field and the pain worsened, so did her obsession. Anxiety attacks, numbness, nausea and repeated breakdowns made her life a living hell. Her friendships suffered and a potential marriage prospect went kaput. She spoke to me one day and I suggested a few changes in her lifestyle that would help her overcome the terrible ordeal. I have also mentioned a similar story in my business page and moved over to researching more on the Obsessive Love Disorder, or OLD.

Six out of ten clients in my manifestation coaching are obsessed with the individuals they are in love with. I am not a judgmental person but as a coach I know how hazardous it could prove to be in due course of time. What exactly is OLD? A popular website, defines it as: “…a condition where you become obsessed with one person you think you may be in love with. You might feel the need to protect your loved one obsessively, or even become controlling of them as if they were a possession. While no separate medical or psychological classification exists for OLD, it can often accompany other types of mental health illnesses. Talk to your doctor if you think you or a loved one may have the disorder. Treatment can help decrease the symptoms while also preventing complications with relationships.” Symptoms of OLD may include:

  • an overwhelming attraction to one person
  • obsessive thoughts about the person
  • feeling the need to “protect” the person you’re in love with
  • possessive thoughts and actions
  • extreme jealousy over other interpersonal interactions
  • low self- esteem

People who have OLD may also not take rejection easily. In some cases, the symptoms could worsen at the end of a relationship or if the other person rejects you. There are other signs of this disorder, such as:

  • repeated texts, emails, and phone calls to the person they’re interested in
  • a constant need for reassurance
  • difficulty having friendships or maintaining contact with family members because of the obsession over one person
  • monitoring the actions of the other person
  • controlling where the other person goes and the activities they engage in

When one is manifesting their Specific Person (SP), it is required of them to engage in various activities that ensure their ‘alignment’ is in check so as enable the manifestation to come by effortlessly hence it is likely often that one may have bouts of obsessive thoughts because the techniques or steps cater to the same purpose. How do you cope with it then? Here are a few tips that could help you overcome that obsession:

  1. You need to accept yourself first. The moment you find yourself frantic, divert your thoughts to what you could change about yourself, for the good, of course.
  2. The reason why you are obsessed is you know too much about this SP. You have to stop checking social media or instant messaging apps for any update or if they have viewed your updates, etc. It is completely destructive because a. wastage of time hurts more later , b. you are far too busy to be engaging in something as childish as this. Grow up, take responsibility for your life and do things that make you take pride in yourself.
  3. Love yourself more. Put that thought about what is going on at their end to a rest. You are not getting a dollar for that random thought neither your skin is getting better with that constant ‘wondering’.
  4. Meditate. To ensure good thoughts make a place for themselves in your subconscious, the bad ones have to be erased. Meditation helps primarily with your alignment for the same reason because you concentrate on the ‘blank state’ as you breathe in and breathe out.
  5. Chasing something will only push the goal farther away. The Universe does not understand the language of desperation. It understands energy so what energy you put out there is a through and through message. So for instance, if you think of them day in and day out, the message that the Universe intercepts is that of ‘how this person is extremely important’. To attract you need to think of it on your level or simply put, think of yourself as worthy of the object of desire. When the frequencies match, only then you can manifest. Which explains, living in the end is the best technique to manifest because you stay in the end scene that ceases the sense of urgency.
  6. Pick a hobby. I do not have to explain why. Distractions have never proved to be futile. Period.
  7. Do some journaling, especially gratitude. Focus on what makes a difference in your life, even if minimal.
  8. Use self- love meditations or subliminals. It is imperative that you focus on having a stable mindset so as to prevent mindless pondering and impulsive decision making.
  9. Talk to people you can count on. Often lack of perspective makes one fixated on an object for far too long.
  10. Prayers help. Pray for your peace and nourishment of your soul. Miracles happen everyday. Do not give up.

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Anjashi Sarkar
Anjashi Sarkar

Written by Anjashi Sarkar

LoA/ Manifestation Coach & Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Editor, Researcher. Support indie publishing:

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